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====== The CCCN-Mailinglist. ====== As a member of the CCCN-Mailinglist you * gain mail-access to the [[start | carpe.com Consulting Network]] for questions and answers. * gain insight from questions asked and answered by other members. * can gain information by a diverse group of consultants in DACH specialized in digital and social communication. * are entitled to special consulting rates by CCCN-Members. * profit from the wide network of the consultants. Cost for one year is: * for single freelancers: EUR 1000 * for single company access (1 e-mail address): EUR 1500 * for company access (max. 10 e-mail adresses): EUR 4000 * for company access (max. 50 e-mail adresses): EUR 8000 * for unlimited company access: please ask for quote If you require any special setups besides this list: please talk to us about a setup and quote. For booking or further inquiries please contact a CCCN-Consultant in your country or Oliver Gassner <og@carpe.com> All rates might be subject to VAT / MwSt. as applicable in your country. FAQ: Q: Is it worth this much? A: We feel like each member of the mailinglist should be getting the value of at least a day of consulting out of the list over a course of a year. This was the basis for our pricing. Q: What if I have a question that I do not want to share with the other persons on the mailinglist? A: You are of course welcome to contact us 1:1 for direct consulting - this will then not be included in your subscription. Q: Can I ask any question? A: Well: It should be both related to online communication and not require extensive tailored research. It should ideally be answerable from the previously collected information of the consultants. Usually we will note in our answers if answering your questions requires more intensive research or communication with you. Q: Can you make some examples? A: * "Does it make sense to set up a weblog using our current CMS ABC?" * "Will it make sense to use Twitter if my target audience is ...?" * "What best practices apply for Web3.D-Projects?" * ...