“Markets are conversations.” (Cluetrain Manifesto)
Bring dialogues to your presence on the web by offering your target group a space for conversations - on a mailing list, in a forum, on a blog or in a multitude of other ways.. You'll learn more about your customers and their needs and wishes that if you talk to them in person..
Our offer: Consulting, concepts, installation, workshops and courses, content and analysis.
You would like to go for an online project without hiring a big agency or without having the capacity for this in house? We provide you with a competent virtual team tailored to your needs, with project management and know-how.
Our offer: Building a virtual teaam and project management for your online project.
You are planning an online event?
We can provide: Consulting, concept, project managemernt, analysis.
A cultureal event both online and offline can be a great PT asset four you and your innovative company.
Our offer: Consulting, concept, project managemernt, analysis.
Oliver Gassner, og@carpe.com